Smart Refrigerator

Client: Springhouse

Role: Lead Design Engineer

Team: Brandon Rodriguez, Mikhail Bruk, Boris Kontorovich, Bryce Copenhaver

Year: 2023


Springhouse is a tech startup that aims to reduce food waste through an innovative smart refrigerator ecosystem. One of the refrigerator’s core features is the ability to detect and track all food that enters and exits using an array of cameras. Smart Design had already developed multiple proof-of-concept test fixtures that successfully proved-out this technology. For this project, we were tasked with creating the first full-scale looks-like prototype of the refrigerator that was also fully equipped with the cameras and hardware needed to enable object tracking. This prototype was intended to be used for both continued internal tech development and demo/press opportunities.

Scale Prototyping

One of the main challenges for such a physically large-scale project was validating subsystems of the fridge at a smaller scale. I developed multiple prototypes representing a 12 inch section of the fridge’s front bezel that included cameras, LEDs, camera window panels, and the landing surface for the door gasket. We used these prototypes to test the effects of camera orientation, LED strength, and glare on image quality.

Door Electronics

I worked closely with the team’s electrical engineer to understand the hardware requirements for the door. By testing different arrangements of the physical components over foam core, I iterated through different layouts and wiring strategies to optimize the design given our spatial constraints. I then created a laser cut breadboard to mount all the hardware including power supplies, LED drivers, and terminal blocks.

Door Cable Management

As a result of all the hardware within the door, there was a cable bundle between the body and door of the fridge that had to be considered. I designed a spring-loaded mechanism that acted as a strain-relief for the cable bundle and allowed it travel with the door as it opened and closed.

CAD Development

I owned the full CAD model of the prototype, which included over 100 unique components. To minimize errors during the build out, I detailed the model as accurately as possible including all 80/20, LEDs, cameras, and hardware. The FOV for the cameras was taken into careful consideration and modeled in CAD to ensure cameras had a clear view in front of the fridge with minimal obstructions.

Prototype Build

We outsourced the parts to be CNC’ed with a prototyping partner, taking into consideration where parts should be split and glued. I communicated directly with the prototyper to align on CMF, machining strategies, and hardware specifications. I led the build of the fridge internally with a team of engineers, designers, electrical engineers, and prototypers. The completed prototype fridge has since been used for continued technical development, training machine learning models, user testing, live demos, and marketing.